Nov 11, 2011 10:01
okay, iit doe2n't exactly make up for everythiing.
but all of you troll2 can ju2t go ahead and be jealou2 of my recuperacoon, biitche2.
ii'm gettiing 2uch a fuckiing good niight 2leep toniight, you ju2t watch.
[Locked to Psiioniic]
thii2 ii2 2ort of embarrassiing.
are you okay?
[OOC: um. What hiatus?]
[au6] Ψiioniic,
[ou] eridan ampora,
[au1] karkat vantas,
[ou] aradia megido,
[ou] terezi pyrope,
[ou] fran madaraki,
[ou] kanaya maryam,
[ou] sollux captor,
[ou] santana lopez
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iit'2 fiilled wiith 2opor 2liime, whiich calm2 our dream2.
for 2omeone liike me, iit'2 ba2iically nece22ary for contiinued 2aniity.
Sanity. Right.
way two be 2uper culturally iin2en2iitiive and downriight racii2t.
thii2 ii2 my quiirk. every troll ha2 one and iit reflect2 our per2onaliity.
iit'2 not my fault human2 are totally boriing and ba2iically u2ele22.
and the 2liime ii2 niice and 2oothiing, you 2hould try iit 2ometiime. iit miight 2olve that ragiing bulge ra2h problem you 2uffer from.
Bulge rash? Wow, that sounds inviting. Slime is disgusting.
iit reflect2 me iin certaiin way2, and also ii have a lii2p, whiich ii2 why ii replace my s'2 with 2's.
ii don't know what 2ort of quiirk would reflect you be2t, but you could 2tart with the number eiight.
good, becau2e you're not gettiing any.
What does the number eight have to do with being a bitch? One of your troll friends do that?
Sweetie, if I wanted your slime, I could get it.
biitche2 love eiight, ii have iit on good authoriity.
ii'd liike two 2ee you try two get my 2liime.
What am I supposed to do with the eights? Just us it to replace a random letter or my choosing?
Oh you are so on. Soon you won't have any slime to sleep in and you'll have to go back to having those horrible nightmares. Sucks to be you.
Asshole. Wait, a22hole, maybe you'll understand that better since I'm being all culturally sensitive now.
how about b?
or you could come up wiith 2omethiing that 2eem2 two make 2en2e two you.
what the fuck do ii care?
make up your own quiirk.
iit ii2 on.
ii'm waiitiing here, monkeyleg2.
briing iit.
bet you're two 2cared two face me and ju2t blowiing 2moke up my 2eedflap.
fuck, thii2 ii2 gettiing fliirty.
ju2t two be clear, ii have a kii2m2ii2 already 2o thii2 ii2 a purely unromantiic confrontatiion.
Replacing a B with an eight seems way too generic. If it's the bitch quirk then you really gotta fuck with everyone.
Give me a room number and your slime will be gone before you know it. Hold up, I'm not going to pretend I care about what a seedflap is, or the fact you think I'm scared and have monkeylegs, but this is like the opposite of flirting. What the fuck is a kismsis and how is this romantic at all?
you get two miilliion next tiime, obviiou2ly.
ii'll leave iit iin your capable hand2.
ii'm iin 2-06.
troll2 hatefliirt, iit'2 a thiing.
a2k the romantiic expert down below who'2 talkiing iin the blue and can't fiind hii2 cap2lock key iif you want two know.
How is hate flirting a thing, that's ridiculous. Whatever, I'll learn about your stupid troll romance then your slime is mine.
Ew. Now That I know you think this is flirting, this conversation got really gross. Slime isn't code word for something bodily, is it?
anyway, however you 2ay iit, ii wiin.
iit'2 not riidiiculou2.
iit'2 not my fault human2 have a very liimiited viiew of romance.
troll2 have four kiind2 and you only have one, that'2 all.
ii won't be giiviing you any 2liime.
no, iit'2 2opor 2liime liike ii 2aiid before.
and gro22.
ii'm not iintwo iinter2peciie2 matiing, ii don't know how much more clear ii can be about thii2.
Why would you want four kinds of romance? One is hard enough to deal with as it is. Not that I have any problem getting boyfriends or anything. By the way, you're not my type.
I'm not an alien, soper slime doesn't mean anything to me. Save your interspecies romantic interest for someone who is actually interested. How old are you anyway?
ii'm two good at thii2.
iit'2 not about wantiing.
iit'2 about neediing and al2o gettiing horriibly kiilled iif we don't.
you're not my type eiither.
ii'm 2iix 2weep2 old.
how old are you?
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