Aug 03, 2011 20:58
)(-EY, what the shell is going on here? This isn't the glubbing common area, it's too...
Too CL-EAN! W)(-ER-E'S T)(-E BURN MARKS FROM ARADIA -EXPLODING? W)(-ER-E'S T)(-E )(ORN PIL-E? All of Tavros' fiduspawn? Karkat?
What's going on and where is everyone?
[au1] minato arisato,
[au2] canada,
[ou] karkat vantas,
[ou] molly hayes,
[ou] sollux captor,
[ou] tavros nitram,
[ou] vriska serket,
[ou] equius zahhak,
[ou] feferi peixes
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That much should 8e o8vious.
8ut according to the people in charge of this place and their stupid note, our world has 8een destroyed. Which was already a thing. 8ut who knows may8e they meant the Veil too.
Not that I 8elieve them or anything.
I reely dont want to believe that, but who would reel us in like this for the halibut? Seams fishy. 38\
May8e you are, 8ut I'm not convinced!!!!!!!! I think that note is 8ullshit.
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