Prep Post: Best of 2011~

Nov 12, 2011 00:53

DERP, forgot about this and animan. Any who a couple months ago I thought that at the end of the year we should do a "~best of 2011" icon awards thing. Like we'd nominate our favorite ICONS of this year, vote for the best in various categories (All icons would be in one post but you'd vote for different categories, like in a lims/icontest.) & the announce the best icons of this year. C: SO I PRESENT YOU:

The reason I decided to do this was because this year was fucking AMAZING for anime, manga & video game icons. You know I'm right. I mean just the showcase at animanlims is to die for. Seriously amazing icons everywhere, between the lims, battles, rumbles & 20in20's it hurt how much awesome was everywhere. My f-list suffered. DON'T BELIEVE ME THAT THIS YEAR WAS THE YEAR FOR ANIMANGA ICONS? JUST CHECK OUT THESE SHOWCASES~ THAT I HAD BOOKMARKED /LAZY shounenbattle ( showcase), shoujo_battle STILL BITTER I DIDN'T JOIN ( showcase), battleothesexes ♥ ( showcase), + MANY MANY MORE~ I HONESTLY DIDN'T FEEL LIKE LINKING TO MORE SHOWCASE POSTS. /LAZZZYYYY TBH PINGBACK WOULD TELL YOU & THEN YOU'D KILL ME, MODS. :l

Again it'd be EXACTLY like the first round of animubest except instead of nominating iconners we'd be nominating icons! You'd nominate icons you thought of the best of this year, there'd be no limit as to how many icons you could nominate. OH & don't worry, you won't have to second a nomination to move onto to the voting post. Every icon nominated will be included in the voting post, as long as it adheres to the rules. C: (i.e. must of been made/posted this year, must be anime, manga or video game, etc.)

So now that you have an idea of what I'm rambling about do you guys want to do this? :< If so when should we do it? Honestly I'm leaning towards January since by then the year would have ended + most people would of posted by their icon backlog by then. If we go with December the nomination post will go up the first week of Dec, then it will run for 2 weeks or so, afterwards voting will run for a week, & then finally the results will be posted the last week of December. If we go with January it'll be the same thing except it'll be in January. :V
I really hope you guys want to do this, I desperately want to do this tbh. I WANT TO HOARD MORE ICONS~ + CRY AT ALL THE BEAUTY. ;A;



Honestly I'm doing nothing rn except working on icons for a battle HOW THE FUCK DO YOU ICON BRIDE OF THE WATER GOD? /HELP ;A; + making this wallpaper. TEACH ME THE WAYS OF SHADING MANGA COLORERS. ;A;

I honestly just want to chit chat. :D


!!discussion post, !!best of 2011, !!mod, !!no srsly i am done spamming, !!lolwastepost

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