What about feedback?

Oct 19, 2009 00:09

I've always wanted to know what people think about feedback!

I guess I'm talking about feedbacks related to "artistic" posts and not "real-life" posts because in that case it would be another story!Anyway,I'm doing this poll because I'm curious to know the different (and maybe obvious) reasons why people leave or NOT leave feedbacks!I'm not accusing anyone 'cause I'm the first one to admit that very often I skip this aspect and I'm not sure why!

If it's about fanvids I guess I just procrastinate and tell myself:"I'm going to download the vid and then I'll tell her/him my opinion",but as usual I forget!
Even if I'm getting better and better because I think the art of good vidding is very complex and deserves love!;D

When it comes to fanfictions I try to behave and when I read a story very moving,wonderful and powerful and well written and *Icouldstayhereallnight*, I want to leave a feedback that it's not only "I liked it" or "Thank you",but something that shows my real emotions,I want to tell the writer how her/his story made me feel and why!And sometimes I can't do it right away because I need time and very often I'm at work and blah blah blah!

The same goes for graphic posts!When I see art that really blows my mind or just impresses me,I need time because I like to discuss about details or things I notice or what the graphic gave me,made me feel!Sometimes I do it right away and sometimes when I have time!

Personally I like to read feedbacks because I'm interested in your opinions,I like sharing and I don't want anything in return except for some of your thoughts,or ideas or just feelings!
When I create art I'm very curious to know if someone sees something other people don't see,or if someone feels the same things I felt or simply if that graphic gave something to people!Bad or good!When I post a picspam I try to show you something through my eyes,I know they are just pictures...but the choice,the cropping,the colouring is personal,it's like putting a filter to images and tell a story!This is why I love to receive and leave feedbacks!

I'm trying to change my habits and leave a comment EVERYTIME I feel like doing it because the post is interesting or the story/vid/graphic deserves it!If someone is so generous to share her/his talent with us we should be thankful and show our appreciation using 30 seconds of out time to write a feedback!And if we have time to download a vid or read a story or stare at pretty things...well,we also have time to say thank you!Right?;D


P.s.My layout looks weird and funny 'cause I'm a genius and I messed up the codes!I'm hoping/waiting for a miracle!

feedbacks, poll

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