If your going to preach, become a minister

Apr 24, 2005 21:21

Alright, so I've been doing some thinking.... it seems that there are so many people who are stuck on being "straightedge". I understand why they are, and why they believe what they do, because granted drugs are not good for you, and can alter your life in ways which my bring you problems in many different areas....health....friendships...family....careers...so it is very true that drugs can ruin your life. But I don't understand why "straightedge" people have to preach. (I'm not saying that all straightedge kids preach either so don't take it that way) Just because they choose NOT to harm their bodies, doesnt give them any right to say whether or not its right for someone else to do. What people do with their own life and own time is there own business. You may think it is wrong to smoke weed, or smoke cigerettes, or drink, or even try any other drugs out there, but if your not the one doing it then why preach about how its wrong, especially if you have never tried the drug yourself, you are in no position to say whether or not its stupid and immature, because you have never experienced that type of high. The person who is doing the drug of choice is aware of what they are doing, they know that they are harming themselves, but you don't know what lies behind what you cant see. Just because doing drugs is bad and can hurt you, doesnt mean that they cant help you. As pathetic as it sounds, someone who is depressed or is having a hard time in life, by doing a drug of choice may be the only way for that person to help themselves and make them feel good about themselves. If something such as a drug is going to make someone happy and make them feel like the person they want to be, then let them. By all means everyone should be happy in life, and if thats how you have to do it, then do it. Just because you dont do drugs doesnt mean that another person cant. and i know you all know that. but this has to be one of my biggest pet peves because you are not the one making that decision. I am by no means a drug addict, ive been there, tried that, and moved on. But I'm just saying that if you dont want to do drugs or even attempt to try them, THEN DON'T, thats all there is to it. Why do you have to hate people, and continue to talk about people who do make the choice to do drugs. Its their life that their ruining, not yours.

An instance that really frustrated me was when I was sitting in a class and another classmate was saying that kid who died at Heritage from a coke overdose is stupid and they didnt care that they died because they deserved it for doing coke. That statement to me is by far the most inconsiderate and assine thing i have ever heard! Noone ever deserves to die, no matter what they do, whether they kill millions of people or they overdose on cocaine. The person who said this statement i am 100% sure that they did NOT know the kid who unfortunaltely passed away from the overdose. They do not know his family life, how high or low his self-esteem is, how he does in school, what he has going for himself. All that they know is that he overdosed! So who are you to judge! This kid could have had some serious family problems for all we know....and by doing cocaine may have been one of the only ways for him to get away from this problem and make him happy.....granted he may have no chosen the best way deal with the problem but maybe that is all he knew. Maybe he never had that person in his life to try and direct him and teach. I know you may be thinking well isnt that what straightedge kids do...is tell you its wrong? There is a difference between telling someone what they do is stupid and wrong, and trying help them with an unfortunate habit.

So if you don't do drugs and have no interest in trying them then that is fine. Keep it that way, and more power to you! But do not tell someone that they are stupid and what they are doing is wrong. People make their own decision. We are constantly being told don't let people live your life for you, and tell you what to do. So why dont you fucking open up your ears and listen to it...

So take this how you may....whether your opinion on me changes or not, I really could give two shits less, because if you like me, then you will like me for who i am and if not then oh well, you werent that big a part of my life anyway. and if this entry pisses you off, then let it, by all means you are entitled to your own opinion and this is mine.....

so deal with it
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