The ForbiddenAuthor:
HikaruXANA Name: Hikaru
Species: High school Student
Hair: Not mentioned
Eyes: Not mentioned
Canon Connections: Discovers the Animorphs and Erek in a meeting of some sorts.
Special Abilities: Well…she’s very observant.
Origin: Just some random student playing hooky.
Other: Oh dear. My least favorite kind of Sue!Author: Miss I-don’t-know-where-the-enter-key-is.
It was a day at school like any other. Starting with computer class. I was sitting in my seat listening to the teacher drone on like a broken record. Man, she didnt know a thing about computers. But I bet she knew how to hit the ‘enter’ key. It was some stupid lesson about how to make videos. In a computer class? Why? Borring! If only I could teach the class. I sighed and layed my head on my desk. Oh well I needed the sleep after being up for 3 nights straight. So what better time to do it then than the most easiest class Obviously our Sue doesn’t think English is an easy course. in school? After sighing again I starded to let my mind wander freely dozing off. Only to be woken back up by my best friend poking me with the pencil. Man could she be such a pain in the neck sometimes and such a teachers pet. Always answering this question and sucking up to the teacher anytime she could. But she was really good at class and homework and could help out alot. One of the only reasons I let her hang around me. Somehow, this doesn’t really sound like my definition of ‘best friend.’ I bet latter she complains about how ‘no one will be my friend and no one luvs me and waaahhh!!!’ Its not like we had any real friendship going on. Despite calling her your best friend and few sentences ago. She was just another bother. Oh well it was 5 minutes to the bell, guess I wouldnt be getting any sleep this class.
"briiiiiiing,briiiiiing,briiiiiiing" Went the bell. Where’d the bell go? Well class was over, I quickly picked up my stuff and was eager to head out the door before anyone spotted me. "Hikaru Wait" Mrs.K said from her seat. To late, I sighed again and walked over to her. "Yes Mrs.K?" I asked knowing what was coming next. "Sleeping in class again Hikaru, Another "F" This year you know? Okay, this randomly capitalizing words and skipping punctuation is getting annoying. I know its boring but try to pay attention" She said staring me down. Teachers always tried to use this trick stare you down into following their orders. To bad it never worked on me , oh well time to sweet talk the teacher. "Its not that its boring mrs.k , Its just...that you uh...need better film" That’s what you call ‘sweet talk?’ Oh great now id done it...I could almost since what was coming next. "Better Film, well that works but we have no where to get it. Wait I have the perfect idea" Oh god here it comes I thought "Im assigning you a homework assignment to film one thing exciting tonight at home or out of the house. I expect it on my desk by the morning." She Said. Bingo, damn I knew she'd assign homework. "But Mrs.K, I dont have a videocamera." I saying a downright lie hoping my face didnt show it. Ouch. I had to read this too many time for it to make sense. "Thats quite alright come by my office at the end of the day and ill let your borrow one" Well there was no way getting out of this assignment. "Ok fine I gotta go now ,next class before im late.Ill come by later." I said running out the door to freedom. I had to make it quick before I was late yet again.
Just beyond that clearing of trees I saw them heading. Say what? I quickly went off campus and went over there hiding behind the bushes, but to my dismay no one was in sight. Wait how could this be, they were just here? I thought. Looking around I noticed a tree branch slightly off 3 inches like something was weighing it down. P33r our Sue’s mad skillz of observation. Thats weird I thought...wonder whats wrong. I walked over to the tree. This would be an easy climb. I put one hand on the tree and felt vibrating. Huh? The trees vibrating? I really had to see what was going on now. So carefully I put both hands on the tree and climbed up to the brach and inched out on it. “Yeerks...meeting...alot of people" I could actually hear people talking, but no one was in sight unless... Not thinking I reached out and touched where the branch was off course and saw my hand dissapear into the air. ‘Disappear into the air’? Not ‘into thin air,’ which doesn’t make sense either but is at least a recognized idiom? What the heck? Its some kind of hologram. More mad skillz right there. Heh. I wonder. I put my head in the hologram and could see the whole group. Of course the Anis, who don’t have mad skillz of observation like our Sue, didn’t notice the head randomly sticking into their meeting. There was Jake,Marco,Rachel, Cassie Tobias and another kid. Then there was this some kind of metal robot looking dog thing standing on two feet. Was this the other kid? He didnt seem to be around anymore so who else could it be? I decided to listen picking some of what they were saying "Prince Jake" the unknown kid said "I dont like being in my human morph what if something happens?" he said looking disgruntled. "Ok Ax your right better demorph then" the one called jake said. ’The one called Jake?’ She knew his name earlier. And why would Jake let Ax dimorph that close to the school? What did they think was going to happen? "Thank you prince jake" said the boy. Then before my eyes his body started melting his skin turning blue. "WOAH" this was to much not noticing I had yelled out. Of course. This is why Jake said ‘okay.’ They had to let the Sue find out their secret. So they’d have a decent excuse for killing her later? *keeps fingers crossed* "snaaaaaaaaaap" I heard the branch I was on start breaking. "Uh-Oh, AHHHHHH!" I yelled falling right in the middle of them. "A...A...ALIEN! BLUE ALIEN! I jumped up and started yelling. For a second there I thought our Sue was so frightened she’d started narrating her actions. But, alas, no. ‘Tis merely a mis-punctuation. "THERES A BLUE ALIEN OVER HERE" the other kids in the group looking alarmed. I jumped up and ran , ran down the street scared to death all the way home up the stairs and into my room locking the door."Alien...what was an alien doing there..." I asked myself calming down now that I was in the safeness of my house. "And what the heck are yeerks..who was that robot..WHAT THE HELL IS GOIND ON!" I yelled thankfully my grandma wasnt home at the moment. "I wonder if the teachers know theres an alien at there school...I gotta tell the teacher tomorrow..but no then theyll know I skipped school. Yeah, because skipping is so much worse than aliens going to school. I know if I’d discovered extraterrestrial life while playing hookey, that’s the first thing I’d be worried about. Who do I tell..THE PRINCIPAL he'll understand Yeah, he’d be much less likely to get you in trouble for skipping than the teachers would. they gotta lock that thing up or kill it. ’Lock it up or kill it?’ I can see this Sue has a high respect for life. "Who knows what else goes on at that school and yeerk what the heck is a yeerk?" I asked myself. Only one way to find out. I went over to my computer and went on google then typed up yeerk. Nothing not one result. Was it a made up word was it all a dream a joke some guy in a costume? But how could you fake your skin melting and turning into an alien and the kids they didnt look to happy that I was there. Ok I thought its all in your head you did not just see a blue alien you did not juse see a kid turn into a blue alien. God I needed sleep now my eyes were playing tricks on me. I would get sleep tonight and see that everything in the morning was fine. Just get sleep I said to myself dozing off. Just a good night sleep. I repeated one last time falling fast asleep. While still sitting at her computer.