Thought-speak quotes changed due to HTML issues.
GEM STONED: Yeerk BusterCulpritAuthor:
Gem StonedName: Gem Stoned
Species: Human
Hair: Black
Eyes: Green
Canon Connections: Joins the Animorphs after Jake steps down on a whim.
Special Abilities: To prevent the Animorphs' considering her a Controller, to make Hork-Bajir do the Macarena
Origin: The Pit of Voles
The Summary
GEM STONED: Yeerk Buster reviews
Bowerbird: Oh my word. Stress on STONED.
Guess who's the new member of the Animorphs! You guessed it, moi! And I'm kicking some serious Yeerk butt. Oh, and by the way, Forlay features in this. heh. heh.
Lorikeet: She's eighty-two light-years away!
Animorphs - Fiction Rated: K - English - Humor/Suspense - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1572 - Reviews: 8 - Updated: 4-23-01 - Published: 4-23-01
Weaverbird: A little late, don't you think?
They're all mad!
"Well, we could dissect it first then you could eat it ... by the way, how does rat meat taste?"
Weaverbird: Um, back when I lived in a zoo I knew a harpy eagle that said raptors have no sense of taste.
[It tastes great! Tastes like chicken ... I wonder whether I could eat chicken as a hawk?]
Bowerbird: The Cooper's hawk has been known to. Red-tails, howsomedever, focus more on small mammals.
Lorikeet: Ooh, you wasacawwy wabbit!
Weaverbird: Snip the Animorphs being dumb.
[I think so,] Tobias said.
"No, but..." Rachel was saying, but Jake interrupted her.
"Helloooooooo!" He almost screamed, "I was trying to talk, you know!"
Lorikeet: "Hellooooooooo!" the PPC Agents almost screamed. "That's another Canon Analysis Device gone kablooie, you know!"
"That is really nice, Jake," Cassie said, then turned to Marco, "What about Shell?"
"Yeah, the gas station."
Bowerbird: In the interests of not provoking Ron, I will not make-
Tawaki: The Bird of Paradise is not here today. I arranged the rotation to minimize your meetings.
"I don't know about Shell, but ..."
"OK! That's it. I quit!" Jake yelled, "find a new leader, 'cos I can't take it any more! Aaaaaah!"
Weaverbird: HEADBRANCH!
Bowerbird: HEADBRANCH!
Jake screamed as he ran out of the barn tugging at his hair.
"Some people have got to take a few chill pills," Marco muttered.
Lorikeet: No, the Protectors of the Plot Continuum just need to kill the Sue.
[You're telling me!] Tobias chuckled.
"Hold up," Cassie said, "If Jake just quit on us, who's gonna make all the hard decisions?"
Bowerbird: The Suethor. Who will make complete morons of the Yeerks, I bet.
"Spoilsport," Marco muttered.
"I'll be the leader!" Rachel yelped.
"Hah! You couldn't make a good decision even if there was one standing right in front of you,"
Weaverbird: These aren't the Animorphs. They're a bunch of impostors with thistle seed for brains!
Marco joked.
"And you could!?"
"No, ma'am."
"W-we've got no leader!" Ax cried, "No p-prince!"
Lorikeet: "Rince. Ince. Ince."
"Don't call him prince," Cassie snapped,
Weaverbird: Well, if he is not anymore…
"No! No! No! No p-prince, no leader!!!"
Lorikeet: "Der. Lea-der."
Bowerbird: You've been heard from already.
There was a sudden bang, then the room was full of smoke. They all coughed.
"W-who's there. Cough!" Rachel asked.
"Who do you think?" a voice replied in a
I-wouldn't-even-tell-you-if-you-bowed-down-and-worshipped-me tone (O.K., so I may be
Bowerbird: "…slightly egotistical but that's beside the point."
exaggerating a little, but isn't that the whole point of being a fan fiction writer?).
"Rachel doesn't think, it's sort of impossible, what with her not having a brain and everything,"
Marco said through the smoke.
Weaverbird: Okay. Marco's jabs lieutenantly aren't meant to sting, antbrain.
Bowerbird: GENERALLY!
Weaverbird: I never did have much ambition.
"Shut up, Marco," Rachel snapped.
Suddenly, a girl with long black (X-X-Black, get it?)
Lorikeet: No I don't.
hair and green eyes stepped through the
Bowerbird: …gantlet of PPC Agents in monsters-from-the-Deep morphs.
smoke, muttering, "I have got to work on those entrances."
"You!" Cassie screeched, "I remember you!"
"Thanks," the girl sighed, "I've got fans everywhere."
"Fan fiction dot net!" Cassie whispered, "You're Gem Stoned!"
Weaverbird: I can't scream like that Wilson's Bird of Paradise did over that one Watership Down fic he tested on; "lightning" I think it was. *tries anyway*
Bowerbird: WOW that's loud!
Tawaki: Did you say something?
"Nice to know you remember me," the girl said, "I mean, I wouldn't have my self, only it was
Lorikeet: "…me. 'Cause I'm teh AWSUM!!!onemyriadonethousandonehundredeleven"
that outfit! EEW!"
Weaverbird: EEW? My sediments exactly.
Lorikeet: SENTIMENTS! Sediments == soil, gravel, etc.
Rachel's eyes lit up, "That was EEW?"
"Uh-huh, got it from my bud Stoney Gem, she's the designer, you know."
Lorikeet: Who-ev-ER!
"Stoney Gem ... eew?" Marco asked.
"You haven't heard of EEW!?" Rachel asked, like it was totally alien not to have heard of
EEW, which I must admit is true.
Tawaki: Then I must be an extra-terrestrial.
"Ecstatic Egg Wear," Cassie commented.
Lorikeet: Dress like a nestling?
"You're heard of it too?" Rachel squealed.
Weaverbird: Does ANYONE know what this is?
"Yeah, Rachel, EEW is like the most popular outfit in the whole of FFN!" Gem Stoned
Lorikeet: For "to stone" when the Sue is the subject of the sentence, try passive voice.
Lorikeet: Oh. Light dawns.
"Ecstatic Egg Wear?" Marco mumbled, "The things they come up with these days."
"They're the ones who invented the wonderful idea of ... Underwear For Anywhere,"
Weaverbird: Again, what is this?
"Ohhhkay, Cassie, maybe you should lay back on those sanity pills," Marco said, "they seem to
Weaverbird: Okay, what does MREDURE have to do with this?
Bowerbird: Slang for toilet. Spelled differently, too. Delta apostrophe November India is how you spell the cavern in Myst.
Lorikeet: And not used in Anitown, Mikey.
be having the reverse effect."
[My uncle used to wear Underwear For Anywhere,] Tobias commented.
"You too?" Marco muttered.
"I love underwear for anywhere, the cinnamon flavored one! Ooh, aah!" Ax mumbled.
Lorikeet: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
Bowerbird: Try Tango Mike India.
"They have flavored ones?" Marco began to rise to the occasion, "maybe EEW isn't that bad..."
"Yeah! You can put a wonder bra on your apple!" Rachel yelled.
Weaverbird: Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?
"Ohhhkay, Rachel," Everyone said.
"Anyway," Gem said, "I'm not here to talk about jockeys on your toe. I'm here about being the
new leader of the animorphs."
Lorikeet: JUST LIKE THAT!?
"New leader of the animorphs?" Marco asked.
Bowerbird: I don't think it's wise to barge in like that. And after David, they're not too keen on new members. Especially if they want to take over right away.
Lorikeet: I wouldn't be surprised if she made Maj. Gen. Stanley look a tactical genius by comparison.