well, I've joined on
30vicios. I think you know the way this things go: They give you a table with themes, and you must write fics with all the themes. I choose Jake/Marco, not necesarily slashing, and the themes are the next:
1. Inicio (Beginning)
2. Lluvia (Rain)
3. Reglas (Rules)
4. Café (Coffee)
5. *
6. Escape (Runaway)
7. Celos (jealousy)
8. Religión (Religion)
9. Piano (Piano)
10. *
11. Caramelo (Candys)
12. Espinas (thorns)
13. Piel (Skin)
14. Licor (Liquor)
15. *
16. Insecto (Insect)
17. Pimienta (Pepper)
18. Escalera (Stairs)
19. Conejo (Rabbit)
20. *
21. Sangre (Blood)
22. Triangulo (Triangle)
23. Cartas (Letters or cards)
24. Humillación (Humilliation)
25. *
26. Pistola (Guns)
27. Miedo (Fear)
28. Música (Music)
29. Salida (Outing)
30. *
So, i'll be writing and I'll try (But not promising) translate them to english and post here. May I ask your help if I have mistakes?
Thanks to everyone.