The first-ever Animorphs Big Bang Challenge
What is a Big Bang? It's a fanworks challenge where fandom communities encourage their writers to write long-form fan fiction, which is then given to an artist who will provide art based on the fic.
Author Sign-Ups: Until March 1
Artist Sign-Ups: Until April 1
Author Check In/Official Summaries Due/Last Chance To Back Out: May 1
Artist Claims: May 1-May 7
Matching Reveal: May 10ish
Rough Drafts Due (to Artists): June 1
Author/Artist Check In (Posting Signups): June 15
Posting Begins: July 1
FAQ CliffNotes: 10,000 words miniumum; no content restrictions; everybody be cool; you need to have a livejournal account to participate and it's easy to sign up but e-mail me at wordplaysam[at]gmail if you have some big moral issue with briefly joining livejournal and we'll see what we can do; bad Animorphs jokes.
FULL FAQ Author Sign-Ups /
Artist Sign-Ups /
Editor Sign-Ups