Jake's made a pretty amazing discovery. It seems like there may be other people who know about the invasion. Others who know about the Yeerks. Jake finds a Web site devoted to the Yeerks. And Jake, the other Animorphs and Ax aren't sure it's too good to be true.
But if they try to investigate the site and it's a trap, there's no way the Yeerks won't find out who they are. If they don't check it out, they'll never know if they're the only ones fighting. Whatever Jake and the others decide to do, they've got to move quickly, because Visser Three isn't the only one dying to meet them...
Of course this one has visual aids...
http://theinvasion.weebly.com/Not much on it though. I wonder if it's anything like the description in the book.
The site didn't have a message board in the book
http://www.fitey777.proboards.com I still think this person is wierd for posting to those other places I mentioned before...oh and there are the YouTube videos. i wonder if they'd have popped up in the books had YouTube existed. And there's the LJ comm
to_resist ...though it now says 'the resistance is over, go home"
Anyway, about the book...do you think the group should have kept monitoring the site for possible new recruits? I know they got way more careful after David but they could have still found it useful.
Like we said before, the dated Internet references are funny...the one problem with using them back then. I never saw a chat room like that one though...you can usually post more than that in one chat-post. Wierd.
We also discussed Marco's checking on his Internet friend and finding out she was really old...and his email prank was hilarious.
Fenestre leaves them with an interesting total ambiguity thing...yes he's taking out controllers but he's killing people to.
There'a also major Jake angst when he nearly gets squashed...remind me, is this the first time someone comes that close to dying in morph?
Do you like the whole thing with him being Visser Three's brother? Why or why not?
We see KAA leave the part about the fire ambiguous in the end...did one of the group actually start it?
Next week is The Warning, or "it's OAT freaking MEAL!"