Uh Oh...

Jun 21, 2011 20:25

Hmm well after today, I only have one more day of teenager-hood before I hit 20. I'm gonna spend my birthday working, but some of my friends and I might end up going to Natural Bridge Caverns that night (LOL most people go to a party or a movie; we go to a SCIENCE-Y CAVERN).

In other news, I'm finally branching more out from Hello! Project. I saw AAA's No Cry No More pop up on the Oricon charts predictions. I watched the video and... REALLY LIKED IT :D Since then, I've been listening to some other songs as well. I really like Hide and Seek although it looks like two lead singers, a rapper, and backup dancers. Oh and the girls stare into your SOUL in that PV. The nice thing about listening to groups with guys in them is that I can actually sing in their range and sound somewhat natural XD

PREP mentoring is going well. Everyone likes to talk A LOT but I really like the students ^_^

I think I'll leave it at that for now. If Xenoblade or The Last Story suddenly gets announced for America, that'd be nice *coughhintnintendoofamericacough*
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