Perhimpunan 'BERSIH'...?

Jul 09, 2011 21:57

Hahahah;; Harini memang sengal buat wargakota kat KL nih.. >u> sebab ada perhimpunan yg 'best' oleh org2 yg xde keje lain nak buat.. Polis buat roadblock dari mlm semlm sampai ke kul 10pm mlm ni.. Ketapi, bas, sume pun x dpt nk operation mcm biasa. Kedai best pun tutupppp, SOBSOB ingatkan nak makanan sedap kat Cozy Corner@Ampang Park sempena besday adik, tapi harini tak bukak... Sedih wor. T w T ;;; Pastu jalan pun jam satu macam je. Adui... Balun piza aje la nampaknya. Dah habis tgk Buletin Utama, still tak paham apakebende yg geng2 perhimpunan ni nak buat...? >u> Selain dari wat sampah kt KL nih;; Perhimpunan 'bersih' tapi tinggalkan 'sampah' merata2 ye... hahahaha XD;; apekah mesej yg disampaikan ni sebenarnya? ^^;

Next time, kalau dah pandai wat perhimpunan BERSIH yg menyusahkan org, lepas tu pandai-pandai le BERSIHkan jalan tu balik, ye...

I found a book rental shop nearby! *u* At first when I entered it, romance novels for the first 5-6 bookcases OTL Haiya Malaysians... - w - () and then I found one row of fantasy books... Spotted Eddings shelf... and dug further-- YESSS My reward, found prequel to Belgariad!! EEEEEE *U* <333333 Well so I rented the book... if it's ok maybe I'll buy it~ =D Need to rent the first 3 vols of the series though, so I can start reading the one that I bought at last book fair...

books, family, rant

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