YARGH! Im totally stumped for ideas so first off.. if you have a theme you'd like to suggest then
theme submission :D If you have a particular Fav anime you'd like featured.. then submit that too, and we'll give images yadda yadda.
soo. theme for this week..I guess fandom would be complete without your own..:
thats straightforward?
Questions? Leave a seperate comment from your submission
[x] You have until Friday, 11PM EST to submit your icons to this post.
[x] Comments are screened.
[x] Icons must be made especially for this contest.
[x] ONE icon max per username.
[x] Do not advertise your icon anywhere until winners are announced.
[x] You icon must be LJ friendly. That is 100x100 & 40Kb max.
[x] No animations
Submit icons like so:
http://url.com/pic.pngSango, Inuyasha