Photo Spam Yo!

Oct 28, 2009 23:34

To the normal people on my f-list~ Feel free to disregard this post~ Proper write up of my life is coming. Sometime xD

Doing this post on behalf of my beloved wife aomarine ~ <3

Just a warning, kinda LOTS of images =3

Post Manifest Mafia Shoot! [Melbourne, Australia]

Photographer: animesque as America || Alfred F. Jones


aomarine as Italy || Feliciano Vargas

kao_chan as Romano || Lovino Vargas
ashurie as Spain || Antonio Fernandez Carriedo

beanie_nup as Finland || Tino Väinämöinen
twetwe123 as Hungary || Elizaveta Héderváry
Jen as Liechtenstein || ??
Valkyrie as Belarus || Natalia Alfroskaya

Let's start off with an old school, sepia style photo \o/

Can I just say... Romano really terrifies me =3

OTP  anyone?  XD

Our gorgeous Ita-chan~~ Unfortunately, by this time, our Liechtenstein and Spain had to leave for their flight back to Adelaide ;___;

Beautiful but creepy Belarus~ She can be scarily in character from the accent and beyond xD;

And our cute Finland joined us! <3 Isn't she adorable?

Just a thought, would you be as creeped out as I am if mafia!Italy and Belarus decided to join forces? >.>

Group shot! Except, with only half the group xD; They look awesome anyway \o/

... Dinner is never complete without delicious pizza and a glass of red wine~ <3

Animania 2009 - War of Austrian Succession Photoshoot! [Adelaide, Australia]


animesque as Austria || Roderich Edelstein
mparf as her lovely self~ <3


aomarine as Hungary || Elizaveta Héderváry

kao_chan as Spain || Antonio Fernandez Carriedo
ashurie as France || Francis Bonnefoy

valentines_av as Russia || Ivan Braginsky

puddle_quackie as England || Arthur Kirkland
twetwe123 as Hungary || Elizaveta Héderváry
Valkyrie as Prussia || Gilbert Beilschmidt

My darling wife~ <3 Innit she gorgeous? ^^

My mortal enemy Prussia. Note, that eagle on the sash is ENTIRELY handsewn [mostly done by the lovely mparf who stayed up until 5am doing it =3 <3]

France insisted that his cravat had to be longer than Austria's. And lacier. xD <3

Epic England is epic~ <3 The hat was ultra cool too~ xD

Spain the pedo the person with the axe~ \o/ [But to be frank, she was the butt of so many jokes and still is actually xD;; WE LOVE YOU KAO-FACE~ <3]

Bloody!Russia is both creepy and epic. Don't you just love the make up?

No War of Austrian Succession is complete without the Bad Friends Trio and alcohol~ xD

Would you acquiesce to one last dance with me my darling wife?

And let us be married once more on top of Prussia obviously <3


Course no Hetalia photoshoot is complete without random crack~ \o/ [Are you starting to see what we put our Spain through? XDDD;]

And GIFs FTW! Oh Prussia, your FIVE METERS doesn't draw in the children people like...

... Spain's enthusiasm~ |Db

These two GIFs and that lovely Macro are all the hardwork of my darling wife, aomarine ~

We had so much fun! There's two more posts upcoming! One for Manifest 2009 and another for Hetalia Day, Melbourne Australia~ ^^

I hope you can somewhat enjoy our photos xD Although I do I apologize for any spam that we're going to cause in the near future *cough cough cough* \o/

photoshoot, cosplay, conventions, hetalia

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