Mar 13, 2012 15:13
Matt has won costume contests before dressed as Snape from Harry Potter. I've seen teenage girls SWOON over him in that getup. Hell, he's been called "Snape" in entirely different costumes, like Nekozawa from Host Club. ("I'm in a powder blue blazer!"). But I had a weird thought- I'm the one with the hooked nose. So if Matt and I had a son who looked like him, but with my nose- the resemblance would be EERIE.
In other Snape related musings, what do you imagine would have happened if, instead of a boy who looked like James, James and Lily had a girl who looked like Lily? Can you imagine how unbelievably awkward that would have been for Snape? Not to mention little Harriet, who, as she matured, would start calling Snape "Professor Hella Creepy" and her friends would giggle and think its equal parts hilarious and disgusting that he keeps staring like he either wants to kill her or bang her or eat her or something.
harry potter