So somehow my overseas trip with my Mom turned into a trip to Orlando with her and my brothers. Thanks Mom. Because my brothers really need more spoiling.
I got my special submission (shh) into the City Paper on time. Big thank you to the people who voted!
Tommy got this fantastic electric pad thingy for our bed. You put it under your sheets and it keeps you toasty warm. When I first turned it on me and the ferrets were just lounging around warming our bellies for like, an hour. Now we can turn off the heat and still stay warm all night, which is good because our electric bills were getting ridiculous.
Tommy's boss wants me to redesign the menus for their deli/sushi bar. Hopefully I can figure out how to do it so I can get some $$$
The wife of the boss was talking with me about it and was trying to get me to lowball myself. She was like "How much you want for it?" And I'm thinking maybe she'll throw me a twenty but I could get it up to fifty. Then she mentions that she asked a professional place to do it for her and they wanted to charge her $5,000. I'm glad I didn't ask for fifty, lol...
Maybe I can get like $200. Holy crap yes.
My impossible to reach Professor, who sent me an e-mail saying "Okay, I'll send you that application right away!" TWO MONTHS AGO suddenly pops back in with numerous e-mails and a phone message, all "I'm concerned about you, are you okay? Why haven't you contacted me? Don't you want your letter of recommendation?"
First of all, it was YOUR TURN to e-mail me long ago. YOU'RE the one who said you were going to send me a file (Who knows why you just didn't send it in THAT e-mail), and then dropped off of the face of the earth. Secondly, why did you even ask me for the address to the undergrad admissions if you weren't going to send the letter yourself?
Also, I love how she was all "I'm going to send it in during mid-January, since they won't be checking the apps until then! I swear, that's how all the schools do it!" And then I get my acceptance packet in very,very early January. Good thing I didn't even need her letter, lulz.
That was pretty much the point where I was just like "Screw this woman, she's impossible to deal with." And didn't even bother contacting her until now, because she's suddenly ALL UP ON MY NUTS and won't stop pestering me about this freaking conference in May.
I don't really want to go to the conference anymore, but it's one day and completely free (meals, travel, lodging), and it will look incredibly good on my resume. Plus I don't even have to write a formal paper, just a regular old essay to foster discussion. Also it's at Penn State.
I just realized that I haven't taken/posted pictures of the ferrets in forever. I'll get on that.
God I miss my NinDS so bad. I realized that I barely have enough to pay rent, much less buy a new handheld gaming console. I've never wanted to play Pokemon so badly.
Edit: Forgot to mention that our two and a half year anniversary was yesterday. We celebrated by um...getting take out at midnight and internetting together. NO THAT'S NOT OUR NORMAL FRIDAY NIGHTS WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??