Jan 22, 2008 03:47
WoW moment that made my day:
I'm lvl 29, just strolling around Ashenvale doing my questing thang. Lvl 27 rogue and 23 hunter with her pet try to get the jump on me out of nowhere, all "Oh shit, we're gonna kill you!"
Result: I kill both of them easily. And I laugh heartily before spitting on their corpses and continuing on my way.
ANYWAY. Haven't been updating much, sorry. Been too busy to do more than drop comments here and there. I'm trying to find a second job, hopefully at a florist. I think I might like/be rather good at floral design.
Tommy works six days a week at a new sushi place. from 9 am to 10 pm. It sucks majorly.
My brother totaled the car that I was supposed to start using for school this summer, the douchebag. Now he expects my parents to drop another car into his lap. He is a self-involed little brat. What's new?
My grandma is in bad condition. She fell again, and her MRI showed a subdural hematoma in her brain. She's having brain surgery tomorrow, and my mom flew down to NY as soon as she heard about it. I honestly will not be that sad if she dies. I know that sounds callous, but my grandma has never been a very happy person, and ever since my grandfather died ten years ago she's just been miserable. She's over 80 and doesn't enjoy life in the least, why should she have to keep suffering through it? Why are they going to risk even more brain damage when she already hardly knows where she is half the time?
She woke up around 5 am spitting, biting and screaming. She had no idea who or where she was, she just knew she wanted out. The hospital technicians had to strap her down to her bed and sedate her.
I dunno...the going all-out to save someone who's elderly, hardly ever lucid, and is never happy seems kind of ridiculous to me. I wonder if my grandma would want this for herself if all of her mental faculties were intact? Probably not.
When (in the far future) I start to feel my own descent into senility, I hope that euthanasia will have already become legal. No one should have to live out their final years like this.
i have shitty siblings,