Yeah I passed my written exam!!!! ( ̄ー ̄)

Mar 13, 2008 08:34

Yay! I passed my written exam/test in the annual History/Danish report... erhm... assignment thingy! *runs around in circles*
I got the papers back yesterday and I was pretty sure that I almost failed because my History teacher Lone said to some of the girls of my class that everybody had passed but there was a couple of people who nearly failed! I was so scared so I properly looked like this O____O

So when she was handing the papers out I nearly hyper ventilated and then she mentioned my name I got even more frightened! and then I saw my grade and I was relieved that I wasn't one of those who nearly failed  (;>ω<)/
We also had to talk with her afterwards and she said that my analysis was really good but I screwed some things up in my discussion so that why she only gave my a C (7) and she also said if I hadn't screwed that part up I could have gotten an A (12)!!!! 
Seriously I was so dissapointed and angry at myself but I atleast passed  (..*)

history/danish, test, exam

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