It's unbelievable long time since, I last updated my blog, but recently I've been busy with designing costumes for the annual musical and other school related stuff
and I really never thought that I would admit this, but seriously physics can actually be lots of fun! Well sometimes.
My teacher Allan decided, that since we were going to stay until 21:30 today it would be for the best if we all ordered pizza, so we could get something to eat before we saw the movie about the two famous physics Niels Bohr and Werner Heisenberg, and it was actually a very good movie too but then again it is produced by BBC and BBC productions is usually very good.
Here's a link to a synopsis of the movie if anybody wants to know more about it: Well after wards my grandfather Bendt came and picked me up, and since I knew that my friend Kirstine lives on the country (Gjol), I asked him if we could take Kirstine with us to the bus terminal here in Aalborg. He said yes, but he suggested that we took her home instead so she wouldn't have to take the bus and wait 2,5 hours to get home.
Well I'm off to bed now goodnight~! and sweet dreams everybody~!