Feb 26, 2006 01:30
Today I'm going to talk about happiness. Now, who can tell me what happiness is?
No, Charles, it's not a freshly cleaned security blanket.
What is happiness? Well, boys and girls, Happiness all depends on who you are, because that can all be defined differently between people. Take, for example, me. Don't give me that look, I do not get happiness from giving homework!
No. ((okay, outta this teacher Schtick.))
Happiness. it's something we have to make for ourselves, i've found. And i've really been bitching long enough to know that if you're not happy with something, you should move along. but that's me. happiness is really created by ourselves, and other people aren't gonna come around and fix it so the world's perfect. if anything, people will come around and fuck up your life(re: The Style Network).
What is happiness to me? Getting a kind word from someone about something i did. Listening to music i like. Petting my cats. Roleplaying where nobody bitches about it.(oh i know, impossible, but i gotta have a dream.) playing a game i really enjoy.(Pokemon, FF Tactics Advance, etc) making food and having someone else eat and enjoy it.
It was said best in The Tenth Kingdom, by Snow White(played gloriously by Catherine Manheim):
Do not think. Become.