All Manga is $5 each unless otherwise noted (in which case it is less than $5). This does not include shipping. The manga have their descriptions, however some are damaged and I will provide better pictures upon request. I recently moved, so while i packed them thoroughly something could have happened, so if you inquire about a manga and it has been damaged since the move I will let you know.
Chobits 1-6, 8. There is a slight tear on vol. 8 and some wear on each book from being handled.
Confidential Confessions 1-6 Vol 2 and 3 have slight wear on the corner.
DeathNote, they were all wrapped when I received them and are in good condition. 7 and 11 no longer available
DNAngel 1-5 vol 4 has slight damage on the back
.Hack: Legend of the Twilight 1-2
Excel Saga 1-6 slight wear from being handled
FullMetal Alchemist vol 1
Gunslinger Girl 1-2
Imadoki 1, 2, 4, 5 number 4 no longer available
Jing the King of Bandits complete series 1-7 all volumes have wear due to handling
Jing the Bandit King: Twilight Tales 1-2 slight wear
Kenshin 1, 2, 4-7, 15, 16
King of Hell 1-6 vol 4-6 are still in plastic
Love Hina 1-4, 7 slight wear
Love Letters 1 and 2
Naruto 1
Samurai Deeper Kyo 1-4, 6
Sorcerer Hunters 1-2
Trinity Blood 1
Life vol 1