Oct 17, 2007 08:46
I learned to play a LOST song on the piano. That really sad one that I love. Go me! *nerd* Also, I haven't bitten my nails in 3 weeks, once again, I seem to be rocking it.
I've been working on my issues with needing to validate myself through other people, especially guys. This being single thing is really going to be good for me if I take advantage of it. I base my opinion of myself on how other people perceive me, which I suppose is kind of crazy b/c you're rarely going to know how people really feel about you. It's one of the reasons I have such a hard time with my job b/c I'm validating the quality of my work on the way people react to it, not on how much I bust my ass! I'm just working towards bettering myself all around.
A year from now I intend to no longer be living in the U.S.of A. When I came home from Ireland I decided to move there. I wasn't ready to start telling people until some time passed and I was sure of this decision. I'm going to pay back my parents by February/March and slowly save up for moving my shit (and myself) over there. I'll start my job hunt when the new year comes, I don't see much of a point now if I don't intend to move until the end of Sept./beginning of Oct.
Going to Ireland was on such a whim and it really changed perspective on my life and I feel I can get more out of it. I feel like we're all going through this point where we're making decisions to put ourselves in the direction we intend to want to live. It's about that age, aye? My choice is to go to Ireland and make a new life for myself. I'm scared, but excited at the same time. This next year should be an interesting one.