Jun 05, 2006 19:36
i had tennis match with another school today. my coach really wanted me to go because i was the 3rd best in the team. i was really nervous though. i played against three people. one was hitting it like fire, so i lost. another cheated. the last one, the guy counting the points couldn't count a freakin' single number and said i lost! when i was the one who won the match! so after losing, my coach was very disappointed. my teammates were too. they looked at me and said,"Why?" with a sad face. i was very sad and i mean really sad. i went in the car to get home. my mom, who was there watching me started yappin' about how bad i played. i mean, i was sad enough! she said *starts imitatin her with an annoyin voice*"you shouldn't hit it like this, you should hit it like this! i mean your swing was so bad! actually everythin you did in the court was bad! it's like it's your first time playin! i mean i never played the game before, but i swear i'm much better than you at this old age!" then, that made me more sad and mad! so we kept on yellin at each other and then i got even more annoyed and just ignored her.
i started to think, "what's the point of even living?" i came up with one answer. "the point of living is not to be happy, but to be sad and miserable. at first your life is great, but then everything changes. you'll become more sad each day when you find out the true meaning of life........."
i don't want to bring anyone down, but i'm just really sad okay? please don't mind me... excuse me, i have to go cry the rest of my tears out.........