Apr 27, 2007 16:42
Right now I pretty much need to vent since my feelings are pretty much mixed up. But the reason is most likely because my mom's yelling at me to vaccum when I already did and she says I don't do shit around here (not in those words though). But that's a fuckin' lie. The one who doesn't do shit around here is fuckin' Carlos. All he fuckin' does is sit in his room, watch porn (i know cuz' his kids call on the house phone and his lazy ass can't answer it), and asks me about my sexuality. (He thinks i'm a lesbian since he looks at my history, but i'm not i'm only bi and the only ones who knows that are my friends and ma).
And then his fuckin' kids come over (who I extrermly dislike) since my ma is also trying to get me to do shit with them. I don't care if they are 'teenagers' (their like 14 and 13 or somethingl like that) but we have NOTHING in common. And it sucks big time since their going to be here till Sunday (their coming over tonight) and my ma is going to expect me to do something with them...
And now fuckin' Carlos is having a party over here with his gay friends from his class (he went to go get his GED) on Saterday and my ma expects me to socialize and play with the peoples fuckin' little brats. I hate other peoples kids they annoy the fuckin' hell out of me...
Well, like I said I just needed to pretty much vent since I won't see my theripist intill 2 weeks.