〖 CHARACTER: Sion Eltam Altasia 〗 〖 NAME: Sion is an alchemist of Atlas located in Egypt, one of the three main branches of the Mages Association. 〗 〖 LOCATION: cards1 〗
「C U R R Y」
〖 CHARACTER: Ciel 〗 〖 NAME: Ciel has a great fondness for curry. 〗 〖 LOCATION: cards2 〗
「C U T」
〖 CHARACTER: Shiki Tohno 〗 〖 NAME: Shiki has the ability to see lines that, if he cuts them, will cause an object to fall apart. 〗 〖 LOCATION: LJ_TCG 9 〗
〖 CHARACTER: Akiha Tohno 〗 〖 NAME: Akiha has an abnormal condition that causes her body to use twice the amount of heat that a normal person uses. 〗 〖 LOCATION: cards3 〗
「M A R B L E」
〖 CHARACTER: Arcueid Brunestud 〗 〖 NAME: Arcueid's ultimate attack is called the Marble Phantasm. 〗 〖 LOCATION: LJ_TCG 9 〗