I apologize for the long absence, however, I am back and I'm planning on knocking out the waiting list very quickly so that the community can move forward.
Looking at the waiting list, there are currently 23 people in line. I will be working on 5 at a time.
I'm concerned that some of you have been on there so long that you may have forgotten that you put in a request or you may have changed your mind about what you want.
In order to keep confusion down and make sure, I need these 5 people to comment back to this entry and say "YES, I still want my layout."
hashra lyra_elricbritinbloodcause666missashlee28 If you do not respond back I will skip over you and come back to you for the next 5. If you do not respond within 3 notifications of the first time your name comes up, your request will be skipped over and probably deleted. I apologize for this but, there are over 300 members and for the good of the whole community, this must be done. If you are skipped over or your request is deleted, you are free to put in a new request when requests open again.