found some old icons + wallie

Jan 28, 2010 20:55

so i found some old stuff that i made (and just edited some) and figured i might as well post it (at least this way i can use this as a test and keep using the same html code for the chart for future hehe)

so first i got this wallpaper of lee jung jin

and ze iconsss (for some reason some of them are saved as gifs O_o):

1-kaoru (dir en grey)4-die (dir en grey)7-mugen (samurai champloo)10-random tshirt2-toshiya (dir en grey)5-shinya (dir en grey)8-aoi (gazette)11-muppet (prawn)3-aoi (gazette)6-toshiya (dir en grey)9-daniel henney12-yoshitaka amano pic
1 2 3

4 5 6

7 8 9

10 11 12

image, up for grabs, icons, artwork

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