I realize it's very late for an Otakon report, but I've had this written up forever now and just haven't gotten around to posting it XD
Otakon was great! I put in a lot of work for OtaCafe, while still managing to find time for myself during the con :)
I saw everyone I was expecting to see:
pottassiumman, Tien, Dan,
lmekko, Jeff K., ShadowVash, Andrew Z. (on Karaoke staff), Alik & her bf, Goki, Sam, Scott M., Kitty,
shinobihime, Nikki,
galahadrpi, Joe & Rudy,
In addition, I saw: Casey, Jae & her friend, David, Stephen, ConBust's current conchair, Chloe, Barnhard, Ghost, Katja, D-chan, GlobalAstro
Did I forget anyone? Let me know!
I was relentless at karaoke! I sang a bunch. I did, however, cross my name out when it was close to closing to avoid problems like last year.
-Glay - Mermaid
-M-Flo Loves Chemistry - Astrosexy [dueted with
-Koumi Hirose - Romance no kami-sama
-L'Arc~en~Ciel - New World [mic problems ;_;]
-Shazna - Melty Love
-Gundam Seed - Believe OP3 (Nami Tamaki)
-Maison Ikkoku - Suki sa OP3 (Anzen chitai)
-Tsubasa Chronicle - Blaze OP (Kinya Kotani)
-Yami no matsuei - Eden OP (To Destination) [memorized]
-Gensou maden saiyuuki - For Real OP [memorized]
The songs we had to limit in OtaCafe this year were Ready Steady Go from Hagane no renkinjutsushi, Fukai mori from Inuyasha and Ai ~chuuseishin~ from Jiken heppoko anime Excel Saga
(And that's as far as I got, and here's the rest now.)
I got to see The Indigo in concert and Otaku Idol Concert. But what really caught my attention was the
Spoony Bards, who played for 30 minutes in OtaCafe for Band Night. I guess they're a group of talented musicians, and 3 of them appeared for this particular set:
1) A female vocalist dressed as a moogle with an incredible voice. She also played flute.
2) A male guitarist, who also sang for one of the songs.
3) A female violinist, who also shook a moracca for one of the songs.
They were simply amazing. They got mad applause for the more recognizable songs, despite there not being a huge crowd at the time. Some songs I remember:
-Noir - Cante per Me
-Chrono Cross - opening theme
-Chrono Cross - Radical Dreamers ~without stealing the jewels~
-Metal Gear Solid song of some kind
-Haibane renmei BGM
The first 3 being absolutely amazing.
Well, I guess that's it for now, for the sake of just getting this post up. Hopefully I'll get some pics up in the near future as well.