to sum up the last 22 hours

Aug 14, 2004 06:51

a conversation i just had with otaru_lime
otaru-kun: so guess how my mom convinced me to go jogging -_-"
me: erhm....
me: errand run?
me: more allowance?
me: milk the chickens?
me: (omg, i can't believe i just said that)
otaru-kun: advancing August's allowance and...
otaru-kun: hee hee...

this week's schedule...

7-11:30am - Sleep
noon-5pm - Animerathon
5-7pm - Pack
7-9pm - Karaoke with Lawrence & Carol
9pm - Go to parents' place (MA)

(monday) - Leave for California
(8/22) - Return to MA
(8/23) - Return to Troy, NY
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