Jun 01, 2011 02:15
Anyone on the f-list know a decent beta or is one? I have a bunch of Hetalia fic that could use some editing and aside from some fics that I have been betad by a very nice beta who offered up to beta kink Meme fics I lack a beta for my non-kink meme fics. I am asking because I am aware I need one, I have been checking over my writing a little more on the pc which has a grammar checker but even so I am still iffy on it. And I could use someone who I could talk things over with. And this is for a bunch of Hetalia fic since the bunnies have bit me hard and keep nibbling in the fandom.
Part of the reason I'm asking is I'm happy to be on a bit of a fic finishing spree. I've had a bunch of varying drabbles and shorter fic lingering on my my flashdrive unfinished for a while and well the muses have been chatty. It's fun chatting with a friend of mine and while chatting get a mental image and write a very quick random scene and then be able to revamp it with one of the characters genderbent.
Also with my income tax cheque I got myself an external harddrive. It's been on my to buy list for a while since I've been getting frustrated dinking around with flashdrives especially since my 16gb one I got around January is getting full and it doesn't have my music or anything on it besides some chat logs, hetalia fanart, my writing and well, I love my external harddrive right now. I'd been saving a bit for it since I wanted a really big one since I was that sick of needing progressively bigger flashdrives. And well it's worth it. I only have some complaints but they're minor and I have ways around them regarding sorting my files on the pc vs on my laptop and on the upstairs computer. It's probably to do with me having files from two other computers and some files from the main account on the pc and trying to sort them on my account on there. I get sick of hearing that little *do you really want to do this* computer noise or the *give permission to do this noise* though.
writing stuffs