Dec 21, 2020 20:22
Welcome you may call me Pyrone, Animehedonist, Dragonlady626, whichever you feel so inclined to do just be nice.
For the most part currently this journal has my random day to day things as well as commentary on fandoms if I feel like it. Maybe on the odd occasion a fanfic or a recc. And as of late meme's a fair bunch of meme's that involve my fanon on various characters.
I'm either really chatty some weeks or really busy and simply away from the computer without warning for a few days sometimes
Mostly I'm commenting about Naruto chapters since I'm the most caught up with that fandom though I am attempting to catch up on One Piece and Saiyuki (I have a very long long way to go for One Piece and I might be better off watching the anime there)