You know what I hate? That moment when, despite the fact you know it isn't real, despite the fact that you know it's impossible, despite the fact that it's just a movie/book/video game/scary story, despite the fact that you know you're just being silly....You still get that irrational and ridiculously powerful feeling of fear late at night, and will no longer be able to sleep, or keep yourself from looking over your shoulder every couple of minutes.
Fuck irrational fears forever.
I have to stop watching my brother play horror games at 1 in the morning. I really should know better by now. He loves the things that CREEP ME THE FUCK OUT.
In other news! I now have short hair for the first time in my life! (not including the time I was a little kid and some jerkass little boy came up behind me and cut my ponytail off...DIAGONALLY)
And even better! (and slightly weird) the pictures I gave the hairdresser for the style cut I wanted, were of Aqua's hair, and Parasite eve third birthday girl that I cant be bothered to remember the name of at 1:31 AM.
It actually looks pretty good! Though I'll have to go buy some styling wax or something soon. Otherwise it just hangs down and looks weird. I also need a better hair straightener.
Okay, I'm done writing here to keep my mind off irrational fears. I think I'll go write fanfiction or something to distract me now.