I am craving mpreg so badly it's not even funny.
Rec me ANY mpreg you know of. I don't care if I don't even know the fandom - just give me the best mpregs you've found. I BEG OF YOU. I'll reciprocate:
Tokio Hotel
Makes Three... (Bill/Tom). This is epic. By far the best mpreg I've seen PERIOD. It deals with it realistically, and thoroughly. Like, nearly day by day thoroughly. And deals with the society side of it, the personal side, the physical side, emotional side, working through it as a couple side, the friends side, scandal side. It's not a happy trip the whole way, definitely not. But she makes Bill and Tom people with issues to get over and things to work through, and actually goes through the process of making them prepared for parenthood and changing for the better as epople. It's fantastic. FANTASTIC. It's also really, really long, but absolutely worth it. I think I've read it twice or thrice already in less than a year.
Evolution of a Turk (Reno). Yes, Reno is pregnant. This fic... I really liked it. I mean, I wish it'd gone into more detail about things, and addressed certain things, but it was detailed enough to keep me going, and considering the length, I guess it was inevitable some things not get addressed. And I loved the interactions between Reno and Elena and Rude. What's different about this is that there's absolutely no romance in this. Rude and Elena help Reno through this as loyal friends. The tone is light, it's an easy read, but there's still enough substance that I read it through in one (long) sitting. Plus, Reno's hilarious. It was very in-character, and plays off of canon a bit, and still has FFVII events separate from the whole pregnancy plot. <3
Gundam 00
Lullaby (Allelujah/Lockon) by
cartographique . This is beautiful. I just finished reading it again XD It's in-character, it's interesting, it doesn't sugar-coat things, though Alle and Lockon are adorable and just breathtaking in this fic. It's also AU, in this bizarre Purgatory place, and Lavi from DGM makes an appearance as their doctor, which was fun beyond belief. This author has gorgeous, touching writing. It's a long one-shot fic, but it definitely addresses a lot of issues (health, and Hallelujah's opinion about the whole ordeal, which you can imagine does not lead to good things for Alle), and is one of my favorite G00 fics out there.