Okay, man, sorry for the spam but OMG, ANOTHER SHIZAYA IDEA. And it's based on this video which just made me gape at how.... intense it was, in a totally different way than the fighting!adrenaline way that most Shizaya videos go off of, and I think I have something really, really cool in mind if I can pull it off. And Radwimps? Such a fantastic band.
fgiwheiau it's gonna be AU! But if I can pull off the right style for it, it should be so awesome! And goes almost parallel to this video. I love the end. Love it love it love it love it. Izaya's face when he sees Shizuo's! D: D: D:
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And also? So that cracktastic idea I had in mind for Shizaya? I still wanna write it. But I need to develop it. AND I NEED SOMEONE WHO CAN DO ANGST/CRACK ALL AT ONCE!