Title: Seedy Much?
Fandom: Super Junior
Disclaimer: This is purely fictional, as if this would really happen to them!
Rating: R/NC-17
Genre: Romance/Comedy/AU
Pairings: KangTeuk with minor KyuMin.
Summary: Leeteuk is a waiter who is continuously getting harassed by a seedy customer.
He's so....seedy... )
awwwww ~ i saw this like as soon as i came home ~
wahhahahahahahaha 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i love you betty xDDD
i..dont know how to comment because i want to quote the whole fic inside here but asdadjhaskdh THANKYOU XD *that day i bugged you? i went to bug jasmine and ryunnie to write me kangteuk too hahahahaha*
kangin is..such a SLEAZE here. and teukie...*wants to hug that man to bits*
the smut scene ;________________;
poor siwon ;______________________________;
Lol yeah when I was writing the fic on the first night, Jasmine told me xP I thought 'haven't posted anything in a while...might as well post this half-assed fic =_='
Siwon....oh poor innocent boy~
I have been trying to read this for a while now, being half-distracted by work and then by Kaye sending me comments and ims. I'm glad I got to read this though, I really loved it and I'm glad she bugged you,
Teukie-ah, does this fic give you any ideas? *winks*
Hahaha, I'm scared to know what other comments you've seen. I'm hoping it's just the ones on here. xD
What?! There's more of these comments elsewhere?! x_X Yes...all I've seen are these ones...and I think I'll keep it like that *is happy you guys stopped early here or...who knows what would've happened* xP
Unfortunately Yes. And please, for the sake of your own eyes, don't go looking. xD Which time? The time she kicked me, locked herself in a room, locked herself in the bathroom and snuck out the window to get drunk, started sucking her thumb...the list goes on. >.>
omg LOL she sounds like such a kid xP *pats on back* live a happy life dude
Gee....thanks. *sighs*
Gee gee gee gee baby baby~ (lol sorry xP)
lol I KNEW IT. I was thinking that as soon as I wrote it.
I bought the Gee CD today~ xD
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