So, I'd been thinking that I missed RPing. The last RP I was in died a sudden, painful death a good number of years ago. I don't remember what all happened, but I know my character is still wandering around Traverse Town, and
spazzyfroggies is still hanging from a rooftop somewhere.
Figures, right?
Well, I told
spazzyfroggies about this urge to RP again, and she showed me another KH-based RP that was just started on the forums.
OMG, it's awesome.
It's a school-setting RP where you are a student being trained to fight Heartless. There are two Classes in the school, Class 0/Omega who disregard the rules and are only concerned with power, and Class A/Alpha, who are the members of Student Council and put safety over strength (but are still really BA anyways).
And so, Tana was born. Tanalia Kiros Dreian, though our characters only use their first names. Tana is a dancer with background in fencing, a telekinetic/clairvoyant who is still growing into her potential, and she fights with a pair of tonfa and has no shame about physical things (accidentally flashing people in order to lay a blow on her opponent, things like that). On the other hand, Tana is really shy about relationships, and tends to spend more of her time in the library or holed up in her room rather than with friends and other students.
And somehow, I don't think she's going to actually be spending that much time alone...
duil_aiyule also joined the RP after I told her about it (her situation being similar to mine), and her character, Clir, and Tana, already have an established friendship at the beginning, and it only took about 20 minutes of play time for Tana and Kell (meta (controller):
spazzyfroggies) to trade names and become friends. Working together while fighting the Heartless can do that to you. ^^
I've also been talking to the other metas, many of which I've known since the days of the old forums, and I freaking love all of them. Oddity, Funk, Vee, Plas, Blue Jewel, Kayle. SO MUCH FUN. And today Plas put me and J*girl (an OOOOOOOOOOLD friend) in the same MSN chat and it was a FANGIRL EXPLOSION. It was SO AWESOME. I can't believe I fell out of contact with her. I think it would have been really good for both of us... but it can't be helped.
But we will fix these things starting now! :D
I am excited to be a part of the plan known as the Academy of Hart, and Tana is excited to try her best at landing a blow on Plasmos (Plas changed his SN to Spade, and his character is known as Plasmos now) in order to gain entrance to Class A.
And Kayle informs me that Reese is going to probably become very attached to Tana. I'm thinking it's because they both have psychic abilities, but I need to go look at the application thread and see what I can find out. Tana is excited to have another friend. ^^
On another note, Tana has WAY too much presence in my head. I mean, I've already got Emily (my darkside) and Sera (my muse) who are my constant companions. I didn't think I needed any more.
Oh well.
I like her, so it's good. And because of her, I made myself some tonfa so that I could figure out how she was fighting in the RP.
They HURT if you get hit with them. I like them a lot. It's just paper and clear duct tape. :D
And I'm honestly not sure why I started a post... I know I had some good reason for it, but I'm sleepy, so the thought just kinda fluttered away. (Ha, sleepy!butterfly!)
Anyways, I'm gonna go back and keep working on my next RP post (long post is long!) and keep browsing the internet for fic. Fire Emblem, why are you such a pitiful fandom???? I would like to find something (from the Radiant pair) that features characters that aren't Ike, Soren, or Sothe. Or Sothe/Tormod, nooooooooooo. Want Maurim/Tormod, plz. Am also not opposed to more Ike/Soren on the interwebs. And a bazillion other pairs that should exist but... just don't. :(
Okay, RP, Sudoku, and sleep. These things will be accomplished. And this post is done.