Title: Broken Promises
Pairing: Ryopi, Koki/Jin, Ryo/OC
Genre: Angst, Romance
Rating: pg-13
Warnings: mpreg
Summary: Yamapi and Ryo have been together for 4 years already. One misunderstanding leads to many more problems. Can they overcome these obstacles and get back together?
Hi! Here is a quick update on Broken Promises. It will be about how everything in Tokyo is doing after Ryo left.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE LEFT?" Ryo's manager set up a meeting with KANJANI8 and NEWS to tell them about Ryos disappearance. They all had different things going on in their minds.
"I dont understand... " Yamapi didnt know what to think. Does he hate me that much? Is that why he left? I love him.... I'm so sorry Ryo please forgive me. He was too out of it to realize what everyone was saying.
"Yamashita Tomohisa what did you do ?!" Yoko was enraged. He knew it had to do with Yamapi. Ryo would never leave his work for anything unless something bad happened. Yoko grabbed Yamapi by the shirt and started shaking him.
"What the hell did you do? Ive known Dokkun ever since he joined jumisho. The only time he does something so rash is when it has to do with YOU! Now tell me What the hell you did that pushed him so far that he left." When it comes to Ryo, Yamapi knows that Yokoyama is very protective. He watched over him from the start when Ryo entered the jumisho.
Ohkura pulled Yamapi away from Yoko. "Let the poor guy talk, by the way he's looking it looks like he's been living in hell for the past few days."
Everyone then looked at Yamapi. None of them really actually looked at him until now. He did look bad. His eye bags were so bad it looked like he didnt sleep for weeks. He definitely got a lot skinnier, he was so worried he doesnt stomach even a few bites of soup. Most of all it looked like he was crying for days. His eyes were so swollen from crying that he had to put ice on them.
"I... did something horrible. Ryo's never going to come back." He slide to the floor curled in a ball and started sobbing thinking about what he did.
Everyone surrounded him feeling bad for the poor guy. NEWS was trying to comfort him but they knew it wouldnt do any good. Even Kanjani felt bad for him.
Johnny stepped into the room and saw what was happening. He even almost got emotional. "Ahem."
Everyone immediately turned around. "From today forward, Kanjani8 will have 6 members and NEWS will have 5." Everyone nodded their heads not disagreeing with whats happening.
"I am sure that Nishikido-kun wants you all to do your best and not dwell on the past. "
"Yamashita, chin up maybe good will come to your future depending how hard you work for it." Even Johnny tried to cheer him up. Yamapi stood up and nodded thanking him for his advice. Yamapi decided if he wanted to get Ryo back, he would have to work as hard as he can to prove to Ryo that he changed and that his love will always be for him.
Ryo... I hope you come back soon.