...inspired by moments of action. But, no... mostly lazy. Mostly, "AHHHHN... I DON'T FEEL LIKE IT." This is a terrible habit. I'm sure it's hellworthy.
I have so much to do and so little desire to accomplish, well, any thing. This is punctuated by bouts of hacking cough. My lungs are idiotically tender, and any little thing, be it dust or a bit of cold air, sends me off into a raucous coughing fit that near chokes me every time. It sounds awful, but it is the well-known result of having a plethora of blood clots in the lungs. Makes them all wobbly and whatnot.
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The word "plethora" is funny.
Any way, I am finishing up my application for my 2nd MA, which is a mere pretext for my actual plan to get enough official Japanese learning to take the National Exams and rank myself up enough to get into a PhD program. What's especially awful is that I hate the History department at my university. Honestly, it's the pits, but as a pretext goes, it will suffice.
I have recently begun playing Borderlands seriously. I don't get the point of the damned game, but I've leveled up to 32. It's a game that I definitely feel the lack of other players in, but, you know, I'm leery about online gaming. Hell, I'm leery about Borderlands in general. What the hell is the point?
I also pre-ordered Assassin's Creed and Dishonored. I am anxious about Dishonored only because I lost like 6-months worth of gaming on Skyrim when my old PS3 conked out on me. I nearly cried. To boot, the game itself is still locked in the system. ;__; Oh weepings!! That's like $50 in there at least!!
Otherwise, I re-watched Mirage of Blaze repetitively and read all the novels I could get my paws on. I own 1-6 of the novels (somewhere...) but it's all the way to FORTY!!! Ah... even worse, I heard the ending bites ass, an Escaflowne ending where you're like, "I invested ALL that time and got into that story for THAT ending???" It makes one weep tears of blood. Savages. How dare you hook us in and then deny us the ending we DEMAND!! But at least I know SMEX does occur... so I am REASSURED and will end up reading it regardless. Well, I will if I can get my paws on the novels.
Ah, that's most like because I am feeling quite Naoe-ish. If you don't know, it's fine. But it makes me quite peevish... recent events regarding my private life. Quite fucking peevish. It's annoying, really, but I don't care to report, seeing as I am quite peevish about the whole train of events and the outcome. Fuck that shit for a lark, I say!! Drown myself in Agatha Christie movies from the 80s (did you know they're full of dead people??) and Mirage of Blaze on repeat!! Ah, being human is quite the bother.