Well.. touche 'X-Men First Class'

Jun 07, 2011 00:23

When I first heard about X-Men First Class I pretty much figured when I saw it (IF I saw it) that my discussion of it would be filled with rage and eye rolling.

I'm glad to say I was proven wrong. Now, it's no Dark Knight, but it was levels above the X-Men Trilogy. I think X-Men fans can hold their heads up a little higher. Also, I honestly would love to see a sequel that takes place during the '70s or '80s. The 1960s feel of First Class really made the X-Men classy again and I really liked some of the costumes. While some of the characters were pretty forgettable; I thought Charles, Erik, and Moira pretty much stole the show. And Kevin Bacon made a really creepy villain.

So overall, definitely worth checking out if you are a fan of the X-Men.
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