Just some quick things:
I finished The Hunger Games series yesterday. Probably the most bitter-sweet ending I've read in quite some time. Like I told one person "So many bad things happen to these characters George R.R. Martin uses this book to whack off.." (If you've read any of the Song of Ice and Fire books you'll get that remark.) I was pretty okay until this one little point at the end and then pretty much sobbed. Collins does a good job of putting her main characters through post-traumatic stress disorder and depression. Also while the book is very much a look at the horrors of war and violence in society I never felt like I was being preached to or beaten of the head. There were also some "we should be better to the earth" comments, but once again they weren't beating it into my skull. So overall.. I really enjoyed this series and am trying to get anyone I've shared two words with to read it. I'm too worried about the fandom to join, so definitely dying to foam with others over this series.
The more I read the articles from
Blistered Thumbs, the more my eyes roll into my skull. I know the site is supposed to be new. I also realize that they are picking up critics and bloggers who are pretty much amateurs, but some of these guys are pathetic. I really feel like the overseers of the site aren't watching their content. Several of the articles are so chock-full of typos and basic grammar mistakes that I would think this wouldn't normally fly on other gaming news sites. I know I'm not Ms.Speak-N-Spell myself, but when it gets to the point I have to sit and retype the article so that I can understand it that is pretty pathetic. This shows me that the writers are having free reign and there are no editors looking over the content before it's posted and the writers are too full of themselves to get a beta/editor. Also, it shows me that the site's definition of "experienced writers" in the gaming industry basically equals: Joe Blow Off the Street Who has Too Much Free Time. Not only is their writing poor, but their opinions are super-bias and uneducated. They comment on some games as if they've played them, but I'm catching things that you can simply copy from Wikipedia. I don't mean to rag on this site because I enjoy the video bloggers on it and want them to succeed, but if they ever want to be taken seriously they need to up their standards.
Facebook sent me some email because I hadn't looked at it for six months and it was feeling neglected. So I went to check it and was quickly reminded of why I don't look at it. I started to explain this comment... but then I realized I don't really want to go into it. I'm just keeping the Facebook for the
irony anyways.
Eesh! Sorry.. this turned out a bit more ranty than I meant it to be. Just stuff coming to mind I guess! Other than that everything is good so I guess I just wanted to get that off my chest. Also trying to blog a bit more again besides just silly things.