Saturday there's going to be a
nationwide protest against prop 2 and prop 8 and I'm really pumped to go to the
Orlando Protest, there are already 400 people planning to attend :)
I think I want to make a sign but I'm not sure what so far, Flickr has tons of ideas that I really like, like this one"When do we get to vote on your marriage?". Some other good signs say things like "Chickens 1, Gays 0", "Would you rather I marry your daughter?" and "keep your church out of our state!"
I honestly didn't realize how important this issue was to me until these laws passed, but now I can't even begin to explain how appalled I am. Anti-gay measures also passed in Arizona and Arkansas as well. Can you believe that Arkansas, a state with nearly 4000 children in the foster care system and only 1000 foster homes, voted to make it illegal for homosexual couples and singles to adopt? Just disgusting.
Well I can't just sit back, and even if it doesn't do anything but give me a good emotional release, I'm going to protest. I don't know anyone else who's going so far, but hopefully I can convince others to go with me, and I hope you reading this right now go as well!