So long

May 16, 2006 15:14's been a long time since I updated. Not much has happened. I got a bass and I'm learning how to play it. So far I got the law and order theme song down and like 4 chords to Dance, Dance. The bass is pretty though. I also got new earrings and necklace today.
I got to discover the hottness of Bill. He came into my class in the middle of the semester. I don't know why he did but I'm thankful. He smiled at me today, thanks to Jen. Anyway enough about my new obsession and back to my old one. Brad, the guy from Michigan who for some reason I can't forget, has been on my mind a lot lately. Don't really know why and that bugs me.This guy, Adam, in my history class keeps talking to me about Naruto. He's cool I guess, but he like made fun of Fall Out Boy a lot one day.
It's almost the end of my junior year. I can't believe it's going by this fast/slow. It was slow for like the first half of the year then it just like flashed by. I hate when time does that. We took our models for anatomy apart today. It made me kind of sad, seeing all the hard work Jen and I did torn apart in a matter of seconds. Oh well.
I started a new story.'s not really a story. It's more of a fanfic. It's a DNAngel fic and I made it a Daisuke/Satoshi pairing. It's coming along nicely. Steph is the only one to read it so far, but she says its good. I'm gonna post it on when I'm done with it. If you want to read it ask and I may post it on here.
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