Week ninety-six's theme will be Movies. This means your icons can only deal with images/screencaps that come from anime movies. A large list (Or completed list) of movies to consider can be found
For this theme only, you may submit images from live action movies, but you must make sure that the film was actually based off an anime or manga (Like the NANA movie). Be creative. If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Remember that all comments to this post will be screened. Have fun!
[x] Don't advertise your icon.
[x] Include character and series names.
[x] Submitted icons must be no more than 7 days old.
[x] Must be compatible w/livejournal (jpg, gif, png; 100x100, 40KB or less).
[x] All entries are to be submitted in here by next Friday, at 9 PM EST.