Hello there all! This round is being put up a bit late it's been a hectic month for me, I apologize, and promise to do my best to keep the administration of the place running as smoothly as I can. Thanks for all your kindness and patience with me and each other. I really think you're all awesome!
By overwhelming vote this month's round will be
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Name of character: Nancy
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Hair color: Dark/honey blonde
Length: A little past the shoulders and thick
Skin Tone: Peachy
Eye color: Brown
Type (like, demon or normal, ect): Normal
Clothing (as much detail as you can!): Her outfit doesn't matter much. She prefers casual, durable clothing out, but dresses up as well (especially for events). She usually wears light blues, but occasionally wears greens.
Demon/human/elf/ect: Human
Accessories: None, but feel free to give her some.
Pet(?): Georgie, a Finnish lapphund (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/a/a6/Finnish_Lapphund_Glenchess_Revontuli.jpg)
Height (tall or short is fine): Average
Attitude (may be helpful with pose or facial expression): Confident, usually happy, energetic
Brief History (a few sentences or so): When she was younger, Nancy would often be labelled 'tomboy' for her love of playing sports. As she grew older, she continued to enjoy sports, but also found a passion for activities generally deemed feminine such as baking and clothing design. She participated in track for two years before she was forced to quit half-way through her second year because of a leg injury. Afterwards, she joined her friend in another after school club devoted to sweets making. Afterwards, she continued to stay in that club because of the more friendly atmosphere and the less time it takes out of her schedule.
Anything else you want to add/any extra description: I've always pictured her with a more sturdy build then most of my other characters. Not overly muscular or anything. Just like she could hold her own.
Reference pictures: http://blue-maple.deviantart.com/art/Nancy-61153124 (colour, but not that good in general)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/OnnaSoujirou/Sketches/0710270115.jpg (face reference)
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v422/OnnaSoujirou/2214071013Nancy.jpg (general reference)
Theme: Winter! (Feel free to include any sort of holiday celebration/scene! (Also, winter clothing would be really nice.<3))
LJ username: Onna_Soujirou
E-mail address (so we can send the description in secret): sailor_jupiter 11 @ MSN.com
Max rating of picture: PG. Keep it clean and violence-free.
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