Hello there all! This round is being put up a bit late it's been a hectic month for me, I apologize, and promise to do my best to keep the administration of the place running as smoothly as I can. Thanks for all your kindness and patience with me and each other. I really think you're all awesome!
By overwhelming vote this month's round will be
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Anything else you want to add/any extra description: Some notes on appearance, Seneschal has a go-tee beard (goatee, how do you spell that?), long side burns and a large nose. His hands are two different colors, the left one being lighter then the other. This is because in a fight he had his hand chopped off, and because he inhabits a dead body Seneschal was able to fix this problem by simply cutting the hand off another corps and sewing the new one on.
Reference picture (At least one REQUIRED) (please put all links in form of their full url):
Just Seneschal
Seneschal and Sophie (I don't expect you to draw Sophie to, but she's there if you want to)
Theme: winter, you can include christmas if you want but Seneschal lives 1000 years in the future and out in space, I don't know if they're still still celebrating xmas all the way out there.
LJ username: orenachangeling (Orena)
E-mail address (so we can send the description in secret): orena_veldhuis@yahoo.ca
Max rating of picture: R for violence and language, G for sexuality
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