Title: Blind Fate 1/2
Author: Animealam
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Warnings: Child Abuse, Violence, AU, Pre Hogwarts, Severus adopts Harry, Sevitus ???, OOC-ness, Blind Harry
Disclaimer: Nope, doesn’t belong to me. I only play with them a bit.
Summary: Severus goes home for the winter break and makes a terrible discovery outside his home. Muggles abandoned a small child to die in the snow. He is badly beaten and blind. He takes him in and heals him, not thinking that he would get to care deeply for the hurt and abused child.
This is only part of the Plot Bunny, I’m lacking how Severus came to have little Kaylen under his care, as soon as I finish typing that part I’ll add it.
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