This entry is part 16 of 17 in the series
Present Time (Original Version) Title: Present Time 13/27
Series: Inuyasha
Author: animealam (a.k.a. alandrem)
Rating: This chapter is R
Warnings: Some characters may be a bit OOC. Violence, the mention of drug use, attempted rape, and bad language.
Summary: Inuyasha discovers the present is more dangerous than he was led to believe.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Although I’ll probably add a couple more characters of my own imagination.
Author’s Notes: Be warned Inuyasha and Kagome OOCness in abundance on this chapter. Thanks everybody for your reviews.
Thanks to Naoko Cat Girl and to Lightning for editing, girls you do such a great job.
Chris-san thanks for your comment/warning there is actually a time table I use to keep everything in perspective and also telosphilos as my editor is doing a great job of helping me keep in track.
Also I want to give special thanks to telosphilos for long hours on the ICQ or the IRC. Playing wall to my ideas and also giving some very good ones of her own, we have fun there! More at the end notes.
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