Title: Apprentice: Chapter 5 (06/?)
Author: Animealam
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: None yet, previous Snape/OC
Warnings: Violence, child abuse, manipulative but not evil Dumbledore, OOC-ness.
Disclaimer: Nope, doesn’t belong to me. I only play with them a bit.
Summary: The war had been over for several years, and Harry’s life did not turn out the way he expected it. He ended leaving England and travelling the world. That’s where death found him, but he was the Master of the Hollows and second chances were a given. He would not waste them.
Aditional Warnings:
THIS IS AN AU STORY (AUAlternate Universe), even though I try to follow the original novels as close as I can.
Not a native English speaker writing.
Characters might be Out Of Character (OOC)
There might be spoilers for all books.
Author Note: When I started writing this story, book five was not yet out.
I have decided to include details from the fifth book, not mnay and not yet, but there will be certain aspects of the book included.
I took to long getting this chapter out, so I have yet to have it beta’ed’. I usually send it to Phoenix Angel, but I really wanted to get this one out soon. I have been obsesing with some of the future chapters, so in order to get there I need to get this and about three more chapters out.
I really appreciate all your reviews and some I’ll take into consideration. I had planned on adding a chapter to answer reviews, but with new policies I don’t think so. Anyway I’ll respond to some on the next chapter since I need to read through the lot of them.
Apprentice: Chapter 5 (06/?) Other Chapters