Thank you to everybody who signed up! Sorry for not getting this up yesterday. I lost internet connection yesterday night.
Interpret this anyway you want. It doesn't have to be with an image, but with text (or even both)!
Please remember your character alias must be the main focus of your icon!
• You must be signed up
• Submit only ONE icon.
• Icons must fit LJ standards (100x100 & <40KB)
• Your character alias must be the main focus of your icon.
• Must be brand new and kept anonymous.
• Submit with both url and image in one entry.
• Animation is not allowed.
• Icons are due by Sunday, August 7th Wednesday, August 10th @ 8PM EST.
• Please note, you don't have to submit, but you won't gain a participation point.
• You will be disqualified if you do not submit 3 challenges in a row.
Special category: Best emotion.