Jan 30, 2013 04:33
I'm about 2/3 of the way done with DS9 season 2 and one more thing that I forgot to mention in my list of grievances with Star Trek: how heterosexual the show is. Everyone is assumed straight but I find that a little hard to believe when in the Star Trek universe, it's suppose to be a wide a varied galaxy but there aren't at least a few people that are homosexual? That's the one topic Star Trek seemed to never go near with a 10-foot pole- LGBT issues. They tackle war, racism, xenophobia, religion vs. secularism but LGBT issues was something that I don't think was ever even thought about. The DS9 character Garak is coded gay, though in an interview Andrew J. Robinson gave was that he intended for Garak to be omnisexual (which is why he's a little flirtatious with Bashir when he introduces himself), but apparently people (I'm guessing network executives) had problems with this so he removed that aspect of Garak, but I still read him as a coded not-entirely-heterosexual character.
So... does everyone breed sexually in the Star Trek universe? There aren't a few species that are hermaphrodites? This is suppose to be a very progressive future we live in but at the same time the avoidance of LGBT issues make it feel like a very conservative future.
Ok, I'm nitpicking again. This was like 1992 and there was still a lot of taboo at the mere hint of a gay character and there was still a lot of stigma with being gay and AIDS so I accept that LGBT issues weren't an issues, but I kind of wonder if in the upcoming JJ Abrams Star Trek movie if there will be any LGBT characters (hh my gosh- if Benedict Cummberbatch kisses a guy in "Into Darkness" I'm going to SQUEEEEE so hard). I mean, Zachary Quinto is gay (which is probably giving those Kirk/Spock fanfic shippers a field day) so maybe he's advocated for the inclusion of some not-exactly-straight characters.